The artist has the right to refuse/cancel services and revisions in the circumstances that:
a. The client's provided information or input of the logo is lacking or unspecific/broad in nature.
b. The client asks for a full redo of the logo, despite given the artist (me), full creative freedom.
c. The client is not willing to pay either a revision or the 2nd half of the payment.
d. The client is unsatisfied of the work and demands cancellation.
In the event that the client unexpectedly cancels due to emergency reasons and is not willing to pay for the created logo, the logo request will be cancelled but is not entitled to a return/refund due to the time/effort exerted in attempt of the logo.The client is required to pay a non-refundable downpayment of 50% of the total cost of the commission. The only exception to this terms is in correlation to rule 1 (refer to term 1)The commissioned product can be reformed/restructured in any form or way by other artists to be edited, BUT the original artist (me) should be credited as the main logo creator.In the event that the commission is to be commercialized, it is allowed without extra fees, but must require the permission of the original artist (me) in the event that the logo was edited by a different artist. Otherwise, the product can be commercialized without any permission.Failure to meet the terms of services will lead to the client being temporarily to permanently unable to request any services to the artist and to the highest degree, will be settled in legal action.